Saturday 28 December 2013

Kids' Carnival Dec 2013

Kids’ Carnival – 2013 of Orchids – The International School was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Mr. Z.H.Zaidi who was Director and Head of the Institute of Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for Handicapped under Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India, Mumbai. The special guests of the day, 28.12.13, were Mrs. Z.H.Zaidi and Mrs Shakeba Principal, FIITJEE World School. The Chief Guest addressed the gathering and commended the organization of events like Kids’ Carnival, the funds of which are used for assisting a noble cause. Mrs. Mona Mehdi, Principal of Orchids – The International School informed in her address that Social work  ought to be given due  importance by the educational institutions so that students learn to do their share of work for the society.
Kids’ Carnival had the stalls of the four Houses of the school Carnation, Daffodil, Marigold and Tulip put up, besides the stall of Nachiketa Tapovan and that of Art and Craft.
It was a day of fun and frolic with music, games, horse and camel rides, bouncing arena and a lot to shop at each and every stall. It became a chosen day for the former students of Orchids to meet and interact with one another and with their juniors.
The highlight of Kids’ Carnival always remains ‘ The Treasure Hunt’. It was conducted by Mrs. Mona Mehdi who gave interesting clues to the students to find who the person is. The excited, and active student found the treasure to his delight. With the announcement of the lucky winners of the Lucky draw and Principal Mrs. Mona Mehdi distributing the prizes the Carnival – 2013 drew to a close.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Christmas Celebrations

Christmas Celebration is a much – awaited event in Orchids. Though a lot of preparation takes place in the depiction of ‘The Nativity Play’ the anticipation is full of pleasant surprises like the arrival of Santa Claus amidst a lot of cheer and a wagon of gifts. ‘The Nativity play’ was a marvelous presentation of the birth of Jesus Christ. The school choir continued to render sonorous Christmas Carols throughout the celebration.
This year’s Santa indeed decided to teach the audience the quality of patience. No one knew who was arriving as the beloved Santa till they heard the voice of Santa. Patience is fruitful. It makes us reap the rewards.
Mrs. Mona Mehdi, Principal of Orchids – The International School addressed the gathering and thanked all whose ardent efforts went into a wonderful celebration that ended with cake cutting and hearty wishes for a  ‘ A Merry Christmas’ reverberating.

Monday 23 December 2013

Star of the week 34 - Likhit Agarwal

Storytelling Workshop

Both storytelling and reading aloud are essential skills for educators – especially those working with young children. The tradition of storytelling with children is not limited to entertainment but has also been shown to be an important component of the development of narrative skill.
At Orchids – The International School, storytelling workshop was conducted by (Ms.Navitha.Guruvenkatesh) for Pre-primary section. It was highly interactive and very inspiring to our children. Children loved the story ‘White Rabbit’s color Book’.

Friday 20 December 2013

One Minute Game Competition

Clock A Minute – These one minute game competitions bring a lot of fun to students. They also nurture the qualities of sportsmanship, honesty and integrity.
There’s nothing like fresh playtime activities to stimulate learning. Children love to play new games every time. There should be plenty of things to do that require nothing more than things you already have on hand.
Children can easily become bored with a game. But one-minute games that are short games can be played by children in lesser periods of time and keep their interest longer.
We, at Orchids, conducted one minute game for the students of classes Nursery to PP-II on 20/12/13. The students exhibited their talents in one minute. Our students truly enjoyed this moment a lot. Entertainment was packed with competition.
Haasini Reddy