Friday 7 February 2014

Story telling competition

Storytelling is crucial in a child’s development. We live our lives through narrative and the earlier we can start the better. Storytelling opens up channels of communication and stimulates emotional, imaginative and linguistic development. It encourages participation and develops confidence and a sense of self-esteem.
Storytelling surrounds the child with imaginative language, introduces unfamiliar words in a narrative context, introduces narrative structure and allows children to give voice to their own ideas in their own language through telling their own stories, children learn to structure orally, to share and listen to their peers and to use their own language with pride. Story telling competition was organized for Pre-primary at Orchids – The International School on 07/02/2014. Students showcased their talent with great enthusiasm.


Maaria Khan   -I
Tamognya Sampathy  -II
Haasini Reddy  _ II
Vyshnavi Guru  _-III
Tanav   - III

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Learning Log for February and March 2014

PP-II Learning Log for February and March (2014)


Flowers                                                                   Insects 


English                                     Rhymes
Four or more letter phonetics              I am a policeman
Words with consonant blends             Five little monkeys
Short sentences                                  Danimmapandu
Composition – Myself                          BilliMausi
Sight words – into, under,                   Incywincy spider                                                                               
Whose and whom

Maths                                    Music

Writing numbers 1 – 200                     We got the whole world
Writing number names 1 – 50              It’s raining, it’s pouring
After, before and between numbers      Never stop learning
Single digit addition and subtraction

EVS:                              Insects & Flowers

Story:                           King Midas and the golden touch
                                      The sun and the wind

Cognitive skills:             Rhyming words

Practical Life skills:      Identify and stay away   
                                              from strangers

Fine Motor skills:       Using cloth pegs to pick up small objects
                                             Peeling oranges

Gross Motor skills:    Movements of different animals

Games:                        EduSports

Art and Craft:               Different types of printing

Annual Day Celebration                       01.02.14
Story telling competition                       07.02.14
International Women’s Day                  08.03.14
Convocation                                        15.03.14
PTM                                                    23.03.14


Mahasivaratri                                       27.02.14
Holi                                                     17.03.14
Ugadi                                                  31.03.14

Next Academic Session (2014-15) commences on 02.04.14


Tuesday 4 February 2014

Annual Day Celebrations

‘Incredible India’, the programme incorporating a unifying skit, songs and dances articulating the typical art forms of the various states, conveyed the astounding  unity in diversity of our country. Each and every student of the school became a joyful participant involved in contributing his/her best to the mighty event, enthralling the audience.
 The Principal of Orchids, Ms. Mona Mehdi gave the welcome address highlighting the achievements of Orchidians during the year. The Chief Guest of the function was Prof. Faiz Ahmed Khan, Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Hyderabad and the Guest of Honour was Mr. M. Venkata Narayana, Chairman of Orchids and Gowtham Educational Institutions. They emphasized the role of educational institutions in making students global citizens with human values.
Merit certificates (to Archana Dinesh and B. Sai Rohit of the academic year 2012-13) and House trophies were given away by the Chief Guest who also released Chrysalis-2014, the school magazine.
The participants in the skit were from classes IX, VIII, V and III. The whole theme was interlinked with their conversations which unified all the events into one major event. The songs of the Annual event included the School Song, Songs in French and Chhattisgarh and the song ‘We are the world’. Dances began with a prayerful, traditional dance of invocation ‘Ganesh Stuthi’ continued with a dance of the pre-primary section and folk dances of Andhra, Goa, Bengal, Gujarat, Punjab and Kashmir. Fashion Show and Qawali formed the other attractions of the day. The Grand Finale, ‘Mile sur mera tumhara’ conveyed the most incredible ‘Unity in Diversity’ of the country.
The programme was well attended by dignitaries, parents, grandparents and guardians of Orchidians and sustained their attention from the beginning to the National Anthem which concluded the day’s programme.