Friday 2 March 2012

Field trip to Railway Station (2/2/2012)

India is a land of diverse cultures and railways play a key role in not only meeting the transport needs of the country, but also in binding together dispersed areas and promoting national integration. Rail transport is a means of conveyance of passengers and goods by trains on rail tracks. Railway station generally consists of a platform and a building  providing related services such as ticket sales and waiting rooms. It is a place full of many activities. Trains continue to arrive and leave. People are found busy moving everywhere in all directions. It is also an area of great business. We find many stalls like books and magazine stalls, toys stalls, canteen etc. We find many porters who lift the luggage of the passengers. To experience this in live we have taken our pre-primary students to Borabanda railway station on 02/03/12. The children enjoyed their journey to the station and the activities seen there.